You might not expect marijuana, which is one type of narcotics that is banned in Indonesia apparently can treat mental disorders. Washington State University released new findings claiming cannabis use can help those who struggle with mental health disorders, such as stress and anxiety. For more information, you can visit licensed producers Canada.
There is a study that states that those who experience mental disorders, after using marijuana, can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.
Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that marijuana has an effect that can help calm one’s anxiety. Of course, this only applies to the use of marijuana in the right dose. The use of marijuana in high doses can actually have the opposite effect of increasing anxiety and paranoid thoughts.
In the study, the researchers asked participants who had mental disorders to breathe two strands of marijuana. They want to see how the two chemical compounds contained in marijuana.
Based on these findings, researchers found a lump of marijuana containing higher levels of cannabidiol can overcome the problem of depression. In addition, those who use two lumps of marijuana can reduce symptoms of anxiety.
In addition, participants who use 10 or more strands of marijuana …