In the present world financial setting, many companies and international locations are feeling the strain introduced down from the change charges of sure currencies. Many of us right here on blogs and social media, was no matter, however in the long run, no one offers with the required and desperately want program that the present government had to pour-in billions in creating circumstances, establishment and care-givers that may take-up on the duty of therapeutic the African individuals.
I’m going to ensure that this catastrophe that the people of Orlando are facing, as I’m onto this article, is exposed and written about as clearly, and as much in a raw method as I can conjure and write it down.I have waxed political and theoretical enough on the latest two items I have posted here on Fb and elsewhere.
In our present state and existence as the Africans of Mzantsi, there’s this gnawing feeling that we now have been invaded and are being pushed-out and a few places occupied by non-indigenous African people, and when we utter whimpering cry about the fact that that is our nation and land, are dismissed and put down by our African brothers.
Variations in country growth …